Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Cheap E Cigs China- The Unknown Connection

Cheap e cigs China is a connection that most smoking enthusiasts who are habitual of consuming cheap e cigarettes are not aware about. Nonetheless, the fact remains that the connection between electronic cigarettes and China is not new and dates back to several years. Let us now discuss the connection between electronic cigarettes and China in grater detail:
Cheap Electronic Cigarettes Manufacturing
In case you are not yet aware, the manufacturing of electronic cigarettes takes place in the mainland China. Incidentally, this smoke free device was introduced by a Chinese researcher, a few years ago. Hence, the expertise required for manufacturing these smokeless devices lies with the Chinese technicians. It has also been revealed that large manufacturing companies in China are indulged in producing e cigs that can be shipped to various countries for further sale. All that the brands are supposed to do is to stamp their labels onto these e cigarettes.
Cheap E Cigarettes are Checked for Quality
While e cigarettes are mainly manufactured in the well equipped factories of china, when they are manufactured and finalized for shipment, they are tested for quality and only then are they permitted to be dispatched to various other countries across the globe. Once they have been dispatched to various other countries for sale, they are quality checked for the second time, as soon as they enter the destination country. This is a very stringent process, which involves several man hours and it makes use of the latest technological devices, so as to ensure that the final product is completely flawless and in sync with the customer demands.
Cheap Electric Cigarettes are Priced Low
As cheap electric cigarettes are mainly manufactured in China (with the exception of a few electric cigarette brands that indulge in ‘in-house’ manufacturing procedures) the overall quality of these devices is high and their pricing is maintained to a bare minimum. This is owing to the fact that the labor charges in China are low as compared to several developed nations and the spare parts too are cheap. Hence, when compared with the monthly price of regular cigarettes, e cigarettes prove to be thrice as cheap and they allow the smokers to save a third of his/her hard earned monthly income.
While electronic cigarettes are undoubtedly manufactured in china and shipped to various other countries, these devices are always high in terms of quality and they comply with the basic as well as the advanced quality requirements set forth by various countries that import them.

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